It really is a thrill to know that even one person has viewed this blog and if you're visiting for the first time today, then welcome, welcome welcome! Please leave comments, suggestions, tips and RECIPES. But just to be clear, Mrs Allen and I are just two ladies, chief grocery buyers in our homes, trying to do our best to eat local suppers all summer long, we aren't always perfect, but we are learning a lot.
We had a banner day in the house yesterday. From the strawberries we picked at Lise's strawberry farm we made one strawberry rhubarb pie, eight 500ml jars of freezer jam and had some to freeze for future smoothies.
Disregard the date stamp on the photo, I never remember to reset it when I change the batteries or any time after that. This picture is important because I am a terrible huller of strawberries, Often my husband (whose parents were both farmers) will come into the kitchen to see how I have lopped off the tops of the strawberries carelessly and wastefully. He saves them and trims off all the usable berry and uses it in his own smoothies. I felt very differently about these strawberries, having picked them myself and having become more aware of food politics. I felt quite smug about how little I had wasted and couldn't wait to show off when Terry came into the kitchen.
I called Mrs. Allen to ask how she hulled hers, she has a special tool. Mrs Allen has the best stocked kitchen ever, whenever I need something, she's my gal. Since she was using her huller, I consulted my "go to" cook book- a Betty Crocker Cookbook given to me one Christmas. What this cookbook lacks in glamour it makes up for in useful information. Such as this technique using a drinking straw to hull a strawberry:
Also yesterday, I went to my own garden to check things out. I planted late this year and reluctantly. I was feeling really bogged down this spring and didn't much feel like gardening. I am so glad that I managed to get it done, My first harvest was yesterday- radishes: red and icicle.
Look at these beauties- I plan to roast them for supper tomorrow- a new recipe- will report on that later.
Lastly, I found a local egg seller. Terry bought a dozen today, saw the chickens running about and everything. The farmer had gathered 11 eggs and when Terry arrived to buy a dozen, the farmer went to the coop to collect another to make it a dozen. Local eggs tomorrow morning, Make mine over easy!
Keith's quote on your "straw"berry hulling technique: "That's F$*@ing brilliant!".
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think we will be sticking with the fancy Pampered Chef tool...and we bought one just for you while on vacation this week!
I am so excited to try the fancy tool! Thank you! SD