Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Have the Balls!

It's been forever since I last posted, and we are still doing really well as far as eating local, but I hit the "why am I doing this to myself? point this week. There is so much going on here lately...Birthday parties, hunting trips, shopping trips, back to school, registrations, cake making, etc., that trying to fit in things like canning and freezing the bounty and then trying to keep up with all the every day stuff like laundry, cooking, and just playing with the kids, have all become too much to juggle. The house is absolutely disgusting, there is stuff piled up every where, I'm in a constant battle with the fruit flies to get to the fruit first, and the laundry keeps growing. The weather changed over night from sweltering to really cold, which also means a change of sheets and clothing for everyone, further compounding the work load. The closets and laundry baskets are filled to capacity waiting for me to sort through the summer stuff and replace with the new winter stuff. I got a text from Keith telling me to be ready to make duck and goose sausages tomorrow. I'm playing chicken with Jack Frost...who's going to get to the tomatoes in the backyard first?

This is why frozen lasagnas, chicken nuggets and fries, and KD were invented. Not to mention Vlassic Pickles and Del Monte canned peaches! 

But I can't do it. And I don't mean I'm not allowed. I simply can't bring myself to buy so many things anymore. The transformation has occurred. 

I keep reminding myself that all the hard work and chaos right now will be appreciated and worth while come winter. I will feel so fantastic in January when I open up that jar of peaches, or pour the raspberry vinaigrette on my salad in February. Those pickles are going to be so crunchy, the salsa so yummy. The frozen green beans so handy. Our bodies and the environment are better for my dedication.

But right now, no visitors are allowed in my house!

I came across this really great article on Punk Domestics that I think I need to print out and post on the front door of my house....sort of a warning explaining why my house looks the way it does. "This is the way we do things around here. I have big balls and chose to focus on clean food instead of clean house." The world will not be a better place, my children will not be more healthy, nor do I want to be remembered when I'm gone, for having a neat and tidy house. 

I want my obituary to read:

"She cared deeply about her family and the world around her. She loved to cook, bake, can, garden and most of all, to eat really good food. Her house was a disaster, but it was full of love." 

Shannon A.

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