Sunday, December 5, 2010

Local Breakthrough

  My husband came home the other night with a 4L bag of milk from our local grocery store.  Which should be good news. I had requested the local dairy supply bagged milk, as we drink it in these parts, but was told they couldn't carry the stock, so I continued to go to ELS to get my milk every Friday.  Once I am there I chat with April or Jess,  I also get some sour cream, cheese, some meat and large bag of sweet popcorn. In sum, I do the bulk of my groceries- and since I am downtown I'll stop by a local bakery to by bread and some confection I could probably do without.

  My husband thinks we should cancel our milk order at ELS so we can buy our milk at the grocery store so that it will continue to stock locally produced foods- a fair and good point. But what about the ELS? I love the Eat Local Sudbury store. I love the smile and familiar chat with staff, the lovely patch of earth in front of the shop, a bit of urban Eden. The Eat Local Shop, literally saved this project for me, without them I would have given up by the end of June.  The shop is patient with my kids, always informative, and welcoming. 

   I know that the reason I go every week to ELS is because of the milk. I may get lazy, or give in to busyness if not for the milk. I NEED the milk.  So the decision is to half my milk order, support both and hope for  the best, that the grocery will continue to carry local food and ELS will continue to thrive 8)

Shannon D.

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