Friday, September 10, 2010

Back in the Saddle

       School's in, and despite all of my anxiety I managed to maintain a local core of foods. On Sunday, we had one of my sister's in law over for dinner. I asked her to bring a salad, and I served; local corn with local butter, local green beans, local chicken roasted, a not local mushroom risotto, and a halfway local Chocolate Zucchini Cake. I used local flour, backyard zucchini, local milk, and half of my sugar was pure granulated maple sugar from Sucrerie Seguin Sugarbush available at Eat Local Sudbury for, in my opinion, a fair price. The wine was from France, but make me a good Bordeaux and I'll gladly switch.
     We also had our dear friend Chuck who is brilliant and funny over earlier that day and I was able to crank out a delicious breakfast of eggs, dalew bacon, golden grain bread and homemade strawberry jam. The coffee tasted delicious sweetened with the maple sugar. I took so much pleasure in preparing and serving these dishes, all of which cooperated with me beautifully.  I was happy for the cool weather and a chance to hang around the kitchen table with people dear to my heart and see the empty plates in front of them.

 Making my son's lunch was also better than expected- cheese and crackers, carrots and cucumbers, strawberry jam sandwich, juice, and a slice of chocolate zucchini cake. We'll see what he comes home with in his lunch box

    Being back in the workplace brings its own challenges. People who I have not socialized with all summer but who were aware of my project consistently ask "Is that local?" when I have food in my hands. The answer isn't always yes. I usually reply "Not everything I eat is local, that was never the point. The point is to access as much local food as I could and..." they are no longer listening, and I feel as if I am cheating or something. I've been on enough diets, excuse me lifestyles, to know that food is a sensitive subject. The question "Should you be eating that?" is never welcome. Local food is no different, no different at all.

  The point is, I believe that industrial food and processed foods are having a negative impact on our environment and health. I believe that we live in relationship with our food. I want to know about my food and therefore, I eat local whenever I can. I am not a 100% locavore, but every new discovery brings me closer, every new challenge helps me to understand the food I am eating better and helps me to make an informed choice.  

Shannon D.

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