Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 4 & Day 5 - Giving myself permission to bend the rules already.

Day 4 brought up an interesting it still considered eating local if the food travelled with you from another destination? My husband Keith was on a work trip to Bathurst, New Brunswick, which is located in the Baies des Chaleaurs, an arm of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and well know for it's lobster and scallops. He brought home 4 massive lobsters and 3 pounds of scallops. If he'd eaten them while in New Brunswick, his dinner would have certainly qualified and since they travelled home with him as luggage, and didn't make a special trip all on their own, we think they still qualify. Either way, we weren't going to refuse to eat the lobster because of our self imposed project! They sure were tasty and we had a lot left for dinners to come! We also had a salad which included lettuce from the farm, pea sprouts from a distributor at Eat Local Sudbury, green onions, basil and chives from my garden, the scallops, and a vinaigrette made from a blueberry-basil vinegar I canned last summer with wild blueberries and my own basil, olive oil and local maple syrup.  For dessert I made strawberry shortcake with strawberries I picked that afternoon down the road and local flour, butter and milk. Haven't found local cream yet so I had to buy it at the grocery store.  I will post these recipes later.

Tonight is Day 5 and I think I'm going to cop out. It's Friday, the last day of school, Keith is on night shift, I spent most of the day cleaning out Cameron's room and the toy room and I really don't feel like cooking. We are going to help ourselves to one of the frozen pizzas we bought before the project started. We won't be buying anymore for the summer though, so if we want more, we'll have to make it. Note to self: find local pepperoni!

I wonder how Mrs. Duguay is doing collecting food for next week?

Shannon A.

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