Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 6 - Damn pink tubes of unknown content

Who would have thought the lowly wiener would be our Achilles Heel?

As easy as I thought this was all going to be on Wednesday night, I forgot that even if food is available it isn't going to prepare itself. I do like to cook, don't get me wrong, I've been making pasta, bread and other goodies long before I even knew what a "locavore" was. What I don't like however, is when I cook and no one is there to appreciate my hard work, nor do I particularly enjoying cleaning up after I've cooked, because I tend to trash the kitchen when I'm working. Keith and I have an agreement that he/she who cooks, get's to put their feet up after dinner (ie - do homework/bath the kids/get them ready for bed) while the other cleans up the kitchen. Well that's all well and good until he's at work...which is for 4 to 5 days in a row! My kids are pretty good eaters. Sydney certainly has a fairly sophisticated palate for a 7 year old, but she is equally content to have a grilled cheese sandwich, a bowl of cereal, or chicken fingers when Daddy is working, as any proper meal that we make for her. Cameron would probably prefer them. I on the other hand prefer a decent meal, but most of the time I'm just too darn lazy or too darn busy when I'm alone with the kids! Who wouldn't be?

And so, the reality of a local supper snuck up on me once again, at 4:30, with nothing planned, tired and hungry, from having worked outside in the garden all afternoon. I pulled out the burgers from ELS but realized I didn't have buns...neither homemade nor purchased. Damn. No local bread, peanut butter or cheese whiz (hahaha!), no local cereal, out of local milk, already eaten too many eggs this week. Shit. What are we going to eat? Then I had a bright idea....the chip stand!! The entire Valley is surrounded by potato fields, surely Bee Bop's uses local 'taters! So off we went. There was no way we were going to leave once we got there, so I decided not to ask, to assume they did, and ordered up a poutine for me (the likely hood of the cheese curds not being from Thornloe were on the low side...again don't ask), fries for the kids and then little Cameron asked for a Pogo. A Pogo? Come on! It's a wiener dipped in batter and deep fried on a stick! Sure this does not qualify as hardly qualifies as food! 

Ugh! I said yes. Why? Because I was hot and tired and hungry and so were the kids and tonight, it was easier than saying no.  Failing grade tonight for Mrs. Allen.

Note to self: get on the meal plan wagon, take out supper while you are waiting for your coffee to brew, and do better this week!  

Shannon A.

1 comment:

  1. AHA! Mrs. Allen!

    Nothing says summer like a wiener on a stick! Perhaps we should make homemade pogo's, we could compromise by buying the most local wieners and making the breading with local ingredients. Ironic that this project makes me want to buy a deep fryer.

    Mrs Duguay
