Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Two- Less Smug, Slightly Panicked

June 22-  Not much progress made on the table today, but great strides made in my thinking.Mrs A and I had agreed from the start that living in beautiful Northern Ontario would limit us from going local entirely; coffee, sugar, baking soda, spices, chocolate, for the love of God chocolate... but that we would make an effort to do our best overall and most especially for supper. Supper should be local. During our conversations it all seemed so doable. 
                Honestly, I sort of thought it would be easy. I keep a garden in the backyard and buy chickens from my neighbour's farm. Those two actions had given me a smug satisfaction that I was in fact eating local. I hadn't given it any critical thought until today, when I was humbled by the contents of my fridge. YIKES! Now I am even more motivated, I hadn't realized how blindly I was buying- which leads me to the next little perk in this project- having to eat local means that I will have to find the local sellers and order my food, which will require planning for meals.

          I know, I know I am a mother of two, with a husband who works peculiar shifts, I should have meal planning together by now, and I have been meaning to get better at it but, well you know how it goes... This project forces me to think ahead, no running out to get a loaf of bread, or a head of lettuce. This panics me a little and excites me too- two projects all rolled into one.

        So I have no recipes to share today. The only thing local to hit my palate today was a mosquito I swallowed when I went for a ride on my bike. I am making orders and meal plans- and won't be at the supermarket until I'm good and ready.  

Shannon D.

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