Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day One- Is it local if I by it from a street vendor?

      Shortly after five o'clock, June 21st, 2010. I remembered that I was supposed to start my Eat Local Summer with the amazing and talented Shannon A (Mrs A).  The shameful realization that I had forgot came as I was turning eight all beef hot dogs I'd purchased from the local grocery store on the grill. This is ironic really because, when the idea of an eat local summer first presented itself my first reactions was, "Where can I get a local hotdog?" I realize that there are very few foods more offensive than hot dogs, there are no redeeming qualities about the mysterious pink tubes, but I love 'em.
      You see, I am blessed not to have to work in the summer, so for two months of every year I feel like I am seven, and when I was seven NOTHING tasted better than a hotdog on a squishy white bun in the sunshine.  Feeling flushed with guilt at such a poor start, I called Mrs. A to confess that I had not prepared and was at the table with my children eating hotdogs. My shame was twofold, first at such a pathetic showing for the first day, but far worse having to admit that I was not only eating hotdogs but also feeding them to my precious children. Double Shame.
      Late, but still on board, I am doing the research, sourcing out food and promise to be better in the coming days.  My only question now is, if I buy a hotdog from a street vendor, does that make it local?

Shannon D.

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